The increasing demand on the internet, and the fact that the Local, State and hospitals share the Internet bandwidth with the public put the critical healthinformation sharing at risk. In the last ten years, we have suffered from different kinds of flu (eg Avian flu, Swine flu (H1N1)); scientists are expecting more to come. In these kinds of situations, all the health organizations need to exchange the information to increase their situation awareness and then to publish information to the public in the form of instructions, latest news, and statistics. This thesis started by studying the Colorado Health Emergency Response systems and procedures, plus investigating the actions that need to be taken in case of an emergency like that of the pandemic flu. The focus was on the importance of information flow and the utilization of the Internet. An Ontology framework for the US Air Force Academy …
Authors : Fadi F Mohsen
Institution : University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Publication date : 2010